NagiAsu harbors a cute twist: a 'supernatural' touch to the regular romance-drama series, where the characters are humans descended from the Sea God and inhabit the sea. With a storyline that uses the setting to its full capability NagiAsu was never boring; living under the sea is an idea appalling to the audience. Nevertheless, the setting isn't the only thing NagiAsu can boast about. For a series more on the romance-drama side than romance-comedy, NagiAsu was still funny at the right times giving NagiAsu the vibe of a well balanced anime and makes it more charming to watch.
Miuna too kawaii |
If there was a theme, I would say Nagi no Asukara focuses on friendship, and eventually, love (remember AnoHana?). But what makes NagiAsu special is its perfect, harmonic balance between character relationships and the heart-melting dramatic plot. In my opinion, people tend to love anime with character development; the more characters who have a dynamic, changing personality as opposed to a static one attracts viewers. I know I may say this for a lot of anime/VNs/LNs, but NagiAsu is also one of those stories where you fall in love with every single character; you sympathize with them, you almost feel what they feel, and before you know it, you're caught up in the NagiAsu's charming little world. Nagi Asu is must watch, surely one of the best anime releases of 2014.
Comments very much appreciated :)
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