On to the discussion shall we? So, the last episode was what the fans actually expected it to be: Yuu becoming badass while 'curing' ability users and also carriers (future ability users). P.S. There's a TLDR at the end if you only want a short review. The rest is formatted into 5 parts each with their own synopsis and my own opinion.
Synopsis A : Maintaining the jagged pace of the show, the episode starts of funny with Yuu having a hard time talking in Engrishu and taking 2 abilities (here in the Philippines <3) to jumpstart his quest. He obtains the ability to locate ability users just by looking at maps. He goes around the world plundering abilities, coming across other facilities who gather ability users and carriers. After obtaining the ability to worsen illnesses, he can draw out the abilities from carriers and plunder them too. Yuu becomes famous in the underworld and earns the name "One-eyed Grim Reaper", also putting a bounty on his head.
Review A: Of course the anime starts off with something light and funny like Yuu struggling to speak English (soon he obtains an ability to translate though). What I find inconsistent on this part is how some of the powers appear overpowered. The anime started off with the concept 'okay you get powers but it has a weakness' with Yuu having to leave his body for 5 secs, Nao can only be invisible for 1 person etc. and it's odd how suddenly powers without drawbacks appear. But maybe they do have it but the anime doesn't further elaborate so as not to extend unnecessarily. Anyway nothing much on this part.
Review B: One of my favorite scenes in this episode, Yuu chooses not to heal his right eye to cut off the temptation of backing out of his real goal. I believe it was the right choice because who knows what Yuu might have done with time traveling powers when he became mentally unstable? Which is the second part: having not enough rest, Yuu starts to break down and develops sleepwalking tendencies where he uses his powers with him having no recollection. This was actually expected: Yuu is a very fragile person (can be seen in what happened to him when his sister died) and this 'transformation' is necessary to revive the bad-ass Otosaka Yuu we had back then.
Synopsis D: Yuu continues his quest plundering abilities, shutting down facilities (hehe rhymes) but minus the evil One-eyed Grim Reaper facade. He's confident in using all of his plundered abilities (some new ones shown are real teleportation, disintegrating objects , and earth bending *no joke*). Finally, tired (he doesn't sleep/rest) and beaten up, Yuu looks for the last ability-user. Needing a staff to keep himself standing he no longer appears like someone who has tens of thousands of abilities. In the streets of Beijing a man who recognizes him and his bounty shoots him two times with a crossbow without Yuu retaliating. About to be shot dead, a loli, the last ability user, steps up to try and save him. The man still shoots but Yuu reacts in time to save the girl; recognizing her ability of 'Courage' and that she doesn't need it because she already has enough. The girl although at first refusing to leave him, gives in and decides to call for help instead. Yuu turns his back on the crossbow man and feels fulfilled on the completion of his goal. He remembers he has to go back, that he's made a promise...and gets shot in the back a third time. He reaches out for the translation booklet, trying to recall the promise. Here, Shunsuke arrives on time to save him.
Review D: It was entertaining to see some of Yuu's most powerful abilities, but it was kind of touching how he only used telekinesis to stop the crossbow from hitting the girl. The viewers realize how far Yuu has gone and how gruesome of a quest he endured to get to this moment, where he finally has to return, with a faint memory of a promise. This part would be the climax and the feels part of the anime, as the story of Otosaka Yuu, cheating fiend, Zhiend enthusiast, siscon, One-Eyed Grim Reaper, and Tomori's lover ends.
Review E: Very predictable, but a touching ending nonetheless. I think it could have been better, but it could've been worse too depending on what mood the producer was on. In my opinion Yuu temporarily losing his memory on the mission and then regaining them when he sees Tomori again would have been so much better but the ending was heartwarming enough. I'm not complaining that much because my worst expectation was Key killing off Yuu after he plunders all abilities.Anyway, we see Tomori welcoming Yuu back, and the Flash card was at a page where a single message was written: "I'm home." *cries* The last scene ends with their reunion and Tomori narrating how she always used the camcorder to record things she didn't like. Now she has a lot to look forward to, and she wants everyone to do fun things in their now, normal, lives.
Comments appreciated :>
definitely one of my favorites out there!!